Gomora is a South African television drama series produced by Seriti Films. The series is filmed in the Alexandra township, hence the name of the series. It is an M-Net original production commissioned for M-Net’s local interest channel Mzansi Magic.
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Gomora viewers don’t waste anytime when they see something that is wrong on their show and this has been happening for years now, as they go to social media to leave the comments that are making the streets of twitter concerns about the future of the actors on this show.
One of Gomora viewers has commented about how he is worried about this drama and the actors, because he feels like the show will lose their contract were Multichoice will decide of not renewing it when it comes to end in the months to come.
Most dramas have lost huge contracts in this channel because of the lack of viewership that they got, and this has made most people to loose their jobs.
This makes the work of writers to be hard because they have to come up with a content that will make viewers to be happy everyday.