One of the show’s most recognizable faces, Shoki Mmola, appears to be leaving the long-running serial Skeem Saam after ten years. Since its inception in 2011, Skeem Saam has featured Shoki, better known to millions of viewers as Celia Kunutu/Magoongwa.
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A prank involving his son Mahlatse and the disruptive Paxton Kgomo at Turfloop High School resulted in the loss of Aflred Magongwa’s eyesight.
Because of this, he has been resting and attempting to restore his vision at home. Celia has mysteriously vanished from the show as of late. She did not provide a detailed explanation for her leaving, but she did tell the hospital’s manager, Mr. Kgomo, that she’d had enough.
Since Alfred blames her for the vehicle accident, he also doesn’t want to interact with her. This happened after he was told to run for his life as the individuals that were hunting for him last week were reportedly sent by Mr Kgomo.
The SABC has verified that Shoki Mmola bows out of Skeem Saam. The SABC has said goodbye to Shoki Mmola, who played Velia on Skeem Saam.
Shoki will be missed by her fellow cast members, crew members, and spectators watching at home. We wish her well and all the best with her future.
The actress also stated that she is leaving the show on her social media. She thanks everyone who has supported her in the last 28 years.
She will not be featuring in the new season that is starting on Monday 4th July.
According to insiders, she leaves the show to focus on other pursuits.
Shoki reflects on her 10-year marriage to her abusive husband.
A couple of years ago, the actress opened up about her abusive husband to Drum magazine.
Nothing has changed since Sello left us, except that we are safe and no longer live in terror, as I have always been a hands-on mother, reading to my children and playing with them.
Shoki continued by saying that she has arranged for the youngsters to receive maximum assistance.
My daughters are now in a safe environment thanks to the Teddy Bear Clinic, an organization that provides services to children who have experienced or seen abuse.
The actress has embraced a more optimistic outlook, and she is devoting her time and effort to expanding a small business.
I have greater confidence in myself, my tastes are more refined, I laugh more often, and my family and I discuss any and all topics.
While Shoki and her soon-to-be ex-husband Sello are still working out the details of their divorce, the mother of two is doing what she can to start again with her family.